(EUREKA Project) – Project No : 9100023 – Project time: 28 months
It’s the mandatory prerequisite for the European Union and Turkey to have an effective transporting system to be competitive. From the ’70s to today, the European freight shipment increased about %70. According to last metrics, the approximately cost caused by European Union’s traffic jam is 120 million Euro in a year. This number is %2 of European Union’s gross national product.
Intermodal politics can make a frame for users who use various shipping modes.
Intermodal shipping can provide opportunities to shipping operators about door-to-door shipping. Intermodalite is flexible. The road, sea, inland waterway, air and other transporting modes can be used with different ordering and responsively. Nevertheless the intermodal shipping requires more information and communication technologies than other shipping modes.
The goal of EIMIS (European Inter-Modal Information System) project is support the intermodal shipping by filling the gap in accessing common information about intermodal shipping.
The intermodal portal generated via this project, will bring service providers in European market and shipping sector together, will enable customers to transport their goods in optimum conditions from one point to the another on one system.